Shutdown notifications

Architect Agent server notifications for shutdowns
Written by Philipp
Updated 1 month ago

Architect supports server notifications for different types of shutdowns:

  • Normal requested shutdown
  • Shutdown due to mod update (if title supports modding)
  • Shutdown due to title update

When one of these types of shutdown occurs, Architect will check if your server has enabled notifications (Server, Settings, Notifications).

Should notifications be configured, it will execute all configured steps.

Following steps are supported:

  • Incremental messaging in an interval
  • Server player connect lock (if locking is supported by title)
  • Player removal (if kicking is supported by title)

You are able to individually customize each step or disable them for each shutdown type.

Message templating

Template-Key Content
countdown Time relative in seconds to the initiated shutdown

Time relative in seconds to the activation of the player kick. (Only if kick is enabled)

After kick delta reaches 0, it will remain at 0.


Name of the mod that is pending for installation. (Only for mod update notifications, availability depends on title, mod title names may include non ASCII characters which are not displayable in-game)

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