Basic configuration

Architect Agent config.toml
Written by Philipp
Updated 3 months ago

The Architect Agent comes with certain fixed settings that are loaded at startup. You can adjust the Agent's behavior by changing specific values in this configuration.

Default configuration

[authorization] # Contains information about your license
# Replace <license_key> with your license key
license_key = "<license_key>"

# Allows you to enable console and debug logging
verbose = true # accepted values: true, false

# Insert the full path where you want to install the Agent
agent_dir = "<installation_directory>" 

# Amount of files to be processed in parallel during downloads
download_batch_size = 200 # Higher values will lead to higher RAM consumption and CPU utilization

# Allows you to rebind Architect to a specific network interface
address = "" # means that Architect will listen to all network interfaces and ip's

# Port which Architect agent will listen on for Architect Manager and API connections
port = 8090 # default: 8090

# Whether or not to use SSL for connections, turning this off is NOT recommended
# You can exchange the SSL certificates with custom ones by replacing the self-signed ones in `certs`
use_ssl = true 

Any change to your config.toml requires a restart of Architect Agent.
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