Frequently asked questions about Architect
Written by Philipp
Updated 3 months ago
Q: Architect Manager is not connecting to my Agent

Architect Manager is connecting to your Agent based on its IP-address and port. The port used for Architect (8090 by default) must be forwarded in your firewalls.

Protocol: TCP
Direction: In & Out

Q: Can Architect be used with game server providers?

Architect exists to automate self-hosted environments. When using a game server provider, you will not be able to install Architect.

Q: Can I move servers between OmegaManager and Architect?

This is not possible. Architect works based on a database system and existing servers or servers maintained through OmegaManager can not be added.

Q: I dont see any DayZ/other title console window popping up

In order to improve CPU scheduling for game servers, these are run in "service mode" (Windows). This results in the game server processes to be better scheduled within Windows and ends up more stable in the long run.

Q: How do I get the console windows back?

Should you absolutely require the console windows, you need to start Architect in foreground mode and not as a Windows service. You can do so by adding the flag `--mode debug` to its launch parameters.

This will not launch Architect as Windows service!

Q: What does "volatile" mean for game branches

We mark specific game branches a volatile when they update very often. This will lead to your game servers restarting often and updating often. So these should not be used for production game servers.

Q: Why can't I use certain ports when deploying servers?

Architect automatically checks your suggested port configuration against servers locally deployed. If the ports are blocked by an existing game server, these can not be re-used. This is a safeguard against double port allocation.

Q: When I change the RCon password in my files, the change is not deployed

Architect is maintaining your RCon configuration files automatically. You need to set an RCon password through Architect Manager or through the API.

Q: Why is there a "cache" directory created in my file system?

Architect is locally caching files used for your game servers. This makes it faster to deploy new servers, as well as perform "difference based updates". Meaning that files that you have modified will not be touched during updates.

This folder and its contents are required and should never be touched.

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