Game Server Metrics

How Architect collects metrics about your server
Written by Philipp
Updated 3 months ago

Architect Agent by default collects CPU and Memory usage for each running server. If a server is not running, no metrics will be collected.

Additional data types will be gathered if the title supports it. General data types that will also be collected are:

  • Player count

Advanced Metrics

Advanced metrics is our system to collect title specific metrics through either a direct game integration or modding. Titles such as Rust, expose a lot of valuable information through native means, which will be tracked as well through advanced metrics.

Other titles such as DayZ do not expose any metrics externally, resulting in the need to collect them through modding. Architect automatically installs and maintains a mod for instances like these (if available) to collect title specific metrics.

Advanced metrics can be remotely pushed in bulk to an external analytics storage if required.

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