Lifecycle Hooks

Learn about Architect lifecycle hooks
Written by Philipp
Updated 1 month ago

Architect Agent supports a system to execute custom scripts at certain steps during a game servers lifecycle.

These are to be placed in the `lifecycle_hooks` directory:



Supported scripting systems: Batch, Python (2, 3)

File name format: `lifecycle.{hook}.{extension}`

Supported extensions: bat, py


Supported scripting systems: Bash, Python (2, 3)

File name format: `lifecycle.{hook}.{extension}`

Supported extensions: sh, py

Multiple lifecycle hook scripts

You can have multiple scripts for each type of hook, by adding a number after the hook event string.

- lifecycle.pre-start.bat
- lifecycle.pre-start2.bat

Hook Events

Architect supports the following lifecycle hooks:

Hook Details Blocking
pre-start Executed before each game server start. Yes
started Executed after the game server process has been started. No
stopped Executed after the game server process has exited. Yes
crashed Executed after the game server process has exited and a crash was detected. Yes

Environment Variables

CF_SERVER_ROOT Absolute path to server root directory
CF_SERVER_ID Custom server identifier
CF_TITLE Title code of the game server
CF_SERVER_PID (only for started) PID of the game server
CF_GAME_PORT Game port
CF_QUERY_PORT Query port (if supported by title)
CF_RCON_PORT RCon port (if supported by title)
CF_GAME_HOST Custom interface allocation as configured
CF_RUNTIME (only for stopped, crashed) Timestamp of when the game server process was started

Python Script Execution

Python 2 has been deprecated by the maintainer

The agent supports the execution of Python (2, 3) scripts instead of plain shell scripts. This requires that a valid Python interpreter has been installed on the system. By default, the system wide Python interpreter will be used including all global site packages maintained by the primary installation. To change to a specific interpreter/installation, the config.toml file needs to be adjusted.

The availability of Python script execution, depends on your systems PATH variable. It must include the Python interpreter, otherwise all Python scripts will be omitted.

Python installed via the Windows Store will only be recognized if a valid system PATH variable exists to the interpreter directly.
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