Title and mod cache

Learn about caching
Written by Philipp
Updated 1 month ago

Architect downloads all files on-demand and caches the latest up-to-date version locally.

You can find the raw file cache under the folder name `cache`. The cache for each title is differentiated into bundles and mods.


A bundle contains a full server deployment. This acts as a template to quick deploy new servers and reference when updating deployments.

The bundle cache exists only once per title instead of twice with OmegaManager.

You can clear bundles by deleting the title in Manager under Titles. This requires that the title is not currently in use by any deployment.


Mods are cached the same way bundles are, however their lifecycle is fully dependant on the mod configuration of your servers.

Should no server be actively using any specific mod, the mod cache directory will automatically be wiped.

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