Configuration and workflows

Documentation for common configuration parameters and instructions on how to perform basic tasks
Written by Philipp
Updated 2 months ago

General information

General considerations
  • Dual CPU setups are not supported
  • Steam account requires owned copy of DayZ to download and manage mods
  • The launch parameter limitFPS is not supported
  • Large mods that exceed 800 MiB in size are not properly handled by SteamCMD and require either a manual download or several restarts of the OmegaManager. Subsequent updates will work flawlessly

Creating server deployments

  • You can not copy and paste or import your existing server. You have to deploy and configure a new instance
  • You can not run the OmegaManager with the same Steam account you are logged in to the Steam Client on the same computer

Existing server installations

OmegaManager requires a specific directory layout along with its own configuration file. Therefore adding existing servers is not possible.

To add existing installations, a new deployment needs to be created. Afterwards all existing configuration files and the database can be copied over.

New server deployments

You can create new server deployments using the Deploy Server button.

Stopping OmegaManager

OmegaManager should be stopped by pressing CTRL+C while the OmegaManager console is focused. This will ensure a clean exit of OmegaManager.

Adding non-workshop mods

  1. Create new directory called @%yourmodname% in the server root
  2. Open omega.cfg
  3. Copy existing mod configuration and adjust directory and set file_id to 0
  4. Save and close omega.cfg
  5. Restart game server

manager.cfg Configuration

Setting Function Note
debug Enable debug logging. Enable this should you experience any issues with OmegaManager and require support.
steamcmd_debug Only to be used in conjunction with steam.mode "tty". Enables raw Steam output to console.
steam.mode "tty" or "basic". Defines the mode SteamCMD is being used in. "tty" places a lock on the Steam account, meaning it can not be used for anything else, including additional OmegaManager instances. However, it is more resilient and does not prompt rate limit errors.
steam.username Your Steam username.
steam.password Your Steam password.
steam.api_key A valid Steam API Key When registering with Steam, use your domain name or "localhost".
steam.mobile_authenticator Enable when using the Steam Mobile Authenticator for the Steam account.
deployment.firewall_rules Whether or not OmegaManager should automatically manage Windows firewall entries.
hosting.system_space Run all processes as a system service This has an impact on performance when running multiple servers in parallel. This will prevent any non elevated access to the process.
Process detection will be automatically enabled when using this setting. Do not have multiple servers configured with the same game ports.
hosting.interactive Display the DayZ console window when run in SYSTEM space Keep this off, unless you definitely need it
updater.workshop_force_upstream Do not attempt to use CFTools Data API system and only rely on Steam Workshop API
updater.experimental Switch SteamCMD to use experimental branch of DayZ
updater.shutdown_gameservers Shutdown game servers if game update is detected May be changed per instance
updater.shutdown_on_mod_update Shutdown game servers if Workshop item update is detected May be changed per instance
updater.shutdown_ignore_serverside Do not shutdown game servers if updated Workshop item is serverside May be changed per instance and item
updater.interval Base interval in seconds for update checks Do not use a value below 300 seconds
updater.grace_period Duration in which shutdown or update notice is sent and server kept online after update has been detected Do not use a value above the configured updater interval
updater.notify_interval Interval in which shutdown or update notice is sent Value in seconds
updater.rcon_lock Lock server when applying mod/game updates.
updater.rcon_kick_delayed Kick players when applying mod/game updates.
updater.rcon_kick_delay Delay of when to kick players relative to server shutdown. eg. X seconds prior to shutdown. Value in seconds
manager.discord_avatar_url Modify Discord avatar url for Discord WebHooks URL must be available from the internet, can not be a local file
manager.discord_username Modify Discord username for Discord WebHooks
manager.shutdownhandler Disable registration of the OM shutdown handler. This will result in servers being kept active when OM closes. true / false, Default: tr
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